Our home is our comfortable, safe haven to relax, refresh and recharge. The home impacts our health and well-being - physical, mental and emotional...
Landscaping our plot of land, yard, or garden could greatly enhance the experience and comfort of our home, and our mental and physical wellbeing...
A Holistic Home contributes to better health and well-being. Following the Holistic Home Approach leads there. ...
Considering the journey to a holistic home may seem overwhelming. We can take it one step at a time...
Turning on the air conditioning (especially early in the summer) should be avoided. Here is how the AC impacts our health...
Feeling hot and sweaty is not ideal. But… turning on the air conditioning (especially early in the summer) is not ideal either...
Aluminum is an endocrine disruptor. It can affect the function of the reproductive system, as well as other systems in the body...
LVT and LVP are made of petroleum-based plastics containing phthalates. The health-related issues linked to phthalates are...
The orientation of the home is often forgotten, however, we cannot easily change it to suit our needs later…
The idea of high ceilings may be tempting. However, they have some notable drawbacks, which should be considered...
Colors play an important role in our well-being, mood, behavior and performance. We need to know their characteristics...
We are intuitively drawn to nature. Nature relaxes us, grounds us, heals us, energizes us. What is our happy place in nature...
Plastics in our kitchen could be affecting our health, well-being and nourishment. They can be concealed or in plain sight....
Lead in the home has been linked to many serious illnesses. It can be present in various materials and items in the home...
When viewing a house entering the basement first may seem counterintuitive. There could be many hidden issues...
The combination of natural and artificial lighting in the home plays a critical role in our health, comfort and happiness...
Whether we work from home or not, there are tasks we need to complete at home requiring high concentration and productivity...
The task of identifying what we want in our Holistic Home may be daunting. The words below help for a clear vision...
We can change a lot in the home but we cannot change the climate. When deciding on a location we need to consider ...
It is time to replace the furnace filter to minimize the air pollution recirculating in the home...
A cozy and charming home twinkling with sparkle, warmth and comfort is what we dream of for the holidays...