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The missing piece to a healthy lifestyle

Complete the puzzle of your healthy lifestyle with my guidance, and enjoy your
Holistic Home

Who is

Your Architect

Ana Koleva Miller, RA, NCARB, Fitwel Ambassador
Your expert HolisticHomeArchitect covering all topics regarding health and well-being in your home.
I enthusiastically pursued hundreds of hours of training in health, safety and welfare.

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single focus on Holistic Homes

Years in the field of Architecture
Countries of education and experience
States and territories of completed projects
Own properties designed, rebuilt and renovated
The Holistic Home Approach

Spaces influence our health and well-being

The spaces we occupy impact our physical and mental health and well-being. Our well-being and the home are interactive, interconnected and interdependent.

The Holistic Home Approach takes into consideration the elements affecting our health and well-being in the home as they relate to our body, mind, soul, environment and space.

The ABCs of a Holistic Home: Authenticity, Beauty, Comfort.

Learn about it
The path

Make room for a healthy space

This is your opportunity to connect, ask questions and determine what service might be best for you.
We explore and learn about the needs and desires in how you occupy your home.
We aim for the stars as if there are no restrictions on budget, schedule, boundaries, size, ideas and dreams!
We create a holistic strategy, establishing a scope, budget and a timeline, which best meets you need for the home.
At these individual meetings we explore the five main categories and 23 different aspects affecting your health and well-being in your home.
After having occupied the home for a while, we discuss every aspect of the Holistic Home and complete a final evaluation.
Designing your new Holistic Home or a renovation of your existing one following the Holistic Home Approach.
When purchasing a new home, we assess all opportunities together based on predefined holistic parameters.
Value your health

Let's create the plan and feel the healthy vibes

Discounts available for a full package booking!

We create weather together

Influential collaborations along the way

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